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Electric Vehicle Technology

We offer cutting-edge CAD courses for the fast evolving Electric Vehicle industry covering design to development of specific EV components such as batteries as well as the concept of Electric Vehicle design in its entirety. As the EV technology is a science that stands at the intersection of many distinct fields: from physics to computing to engineering, these courses are designed for people with engineering, arts / science, and IT backgrounds. Currently, we offer: EV Battery Design, EV PowerTrain Design, EV Technology and Operations, and Mathematical Modeling courses.

Mastering MATLAB for Mechanical Engineering


Best Seller

Mastering MATLAB for Mechanical Engineering

Level : Essential | 20:00 Hours

01 April | IST : 08:30 pm | English

Trainer: Darshan Kudaskar



Plan your schedule and learn from our expert trainers at your own pace. Enquire to schedule now.

Workshop on Embedded Systems Schedule on demand

Workshop on Embedded Systems

Level : Essential



EV Motor Designing and Development with CAD/CAE Schedule on demand

EV Motor Designing and Development with CAD/CAE

Level : Advanced



Advanced Program in EV Modeling with Vehicle dynamics Schedule on demand

Advanced Program in EV Modeling with Vehicle dynamics

Level : Advanced



Fundamentals of EV/HEV Technology Schedule on demand

Fundamentals of EV/HEV Technology

Level : Essential



Electric Vehicle PowerTrain Design With Matlab Schedule on demand

Electric Vehicle PowerTrain Design With Matlab

Level : Advanced



Electric Vehicle Battery Design With Matlab Schedule on demand

Electric Vehicle Battery Design With Matlab

Level : Advanced



Electric Vehicle Technology Overview Schedule on demand

Electric Vehicle Technology Overview

Level : Essential

