Live Instructor-led Online Course

Programming with C# .NET for professionals

Home / Web application development / Programming with C# .NET for professionals

Course Fees: $329
Certificate : No
Course Type : Instructor-Led
Level : Essential
Subject : Web application development
Course Overview:

Implementation of language and good programming skills are very important for development of a product. This course is designed specifically to teach you to think like a programmer and the C# language is just a tool that can be replaced by any other modern programming languages, such as Java, C++, PHP or Python. The concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP) – an established approach in modern software development – will be covered in depth.This comprehensive course presents a complete methodology for solving programming problems, as well as algorithmic problems in general, and shows how to implement it with a few sample subjects and programming exams. 

Learning Outcome:

This course covers the fundamentals of programming. It will teach you how to define and use variables, how to work with primitive data structures, how to organize logical statements, conditional statements and 16 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C# loops, how to print on the console, how to use arrays, how to work with numeral systems, how to define and use methods. You will be going through with practices for writing high-quality programs and solving real-world programming problems. 

Things you will learn in the course:

  • OOPs concepts.
  • Using Delegates and Events.
  • Making Promises with Interfaces and Abstract Classes.
  • Programming patterns and coding standards.
  • Independently create .NET projects


Ideal for:

  • Candidate from any background can study this course.
  • This course is designed for students of all levels. It does not required technical background.

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