Live Instructor-led Online Course

Developing IoT Applicaton using Arduino

Home / Embedded System / Developing IoT Applicaton using Arduino

Course Fees: $150
Certificate : Yes
Course Type : Instructor-Led
Level : Advanced
Subject : Embedded System
Course Overview:

Ensuring the correct operation, quality, safety, and security in embedded software is a substantial portion of the software activities for embedded systems. In large part, teams accomplish this through software testing and throughout development via analysis, traceability, documentation, and so on. Safety-critical software has rigorous approaches to verification and validation that are often codified in industry standards.

Learning Outcome:

  • Introduction to Arduino Programming and Features
  • General Purpose Input Output (GPIO) and Sensor Interfacing
  • Utilization of Communication Interfaces such as ADC, SPI, I2C.
  • Exploration of IoT Concepts and Protocols
  • Application of IoT in Various Sectors

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